Carter's work

Battleground: Afghanistan

I was deployed in Afghanistan in the year of 2002 and little was I to know my life was going to be changed for ever.
It was February 3 and it was extremely hot. My name is Dylan. I was born and raised in Louisiana with my younger brother Collin so I was used to hot winters. But it was about 94 degrees out and there were no clouds in the sky. In the Hummer it felt like double the heat with all our gear on. We had to be careful because we were driving in a well known spot for I.E.D’s. Luckily none of the troops had been killed by them but you always have to stay full alert.
When we got to base everyone was inside the little bunkers that were set up like little houses. It was weird that no one was out talking and just chilling outside. I just thought everybody wanted to stay cool so I went to the main building to check in with the captain. When I got inside there was someone on the ground and a crowd of EMTs and soldiers were standing around in shock. I pushed through the crowd and I saw my brother on the ground with blood everywhere around him. I panicked. What had happened? Was he going to die? Was he alright? I didn’t know! I got next to him and shook him and screamed his name.
COLLIN! COLLIN!! Wake up don’t die on me PLEASE!”
The EMT took me back and she sat me in a chair near the entrance. I just felt like for the first time in my life I couldn’t help my brother. She said “ He will be all right. He’s just in critical condition. We have a helicopter coming in in half an hour. You can go in the helicopter with him.”
I noticed blood covering her legs so I knew he had lost a tremendous amount. I ran back in the building and sat next to him. He looked terrible. His face was super pale. I was worried he wasn’t going to make it through this. I went back out to ask the EMT what happened and she said an I.E.D exploded and a piece of shrapnel flew and almost cut off his leg. The big piece of metal was still lodged in his leg and it had hit an artery. It was a smart idea to not take it out because he would have definitely bled to death.
I finally heard the helicopter come. I went inside and told the EMTs that the heli was here. They put Collin on the stretcher and blood just poured like a river out of his leg. I knew I had to go with him because I couldn’t stand not knowing what was going to happen. I had to be there. The EMT’s had to put a tourniquet on his leg so it would stop bleeding. I knew once that went on his leg was going to be amputated.
They loaded him up on the helicopter when he was on the stretcher. There was no room in the cab for me. I told them I had to go with them so they opened up a seat in the cockpit. When we lifted off the ground the heli shook alot and then there was a loud thump in back. I looked back and it was just one of the EMTs that had hit the door hard with their head. He hadn't been using a seat belt.
We were about 15 minutes away from the hospital. The blood had now slowed down from pouring out to just little drops. The pilot got word that the people at the hospital were ready for them to land. I looked out the window and finally saw what I thought was the hospital. The helicopter got closer and closer, but it was just another big base. We flew for about 5 more minutes when I knew had seen the hospital. We were landing on the top. The wind was blowing very hard and was making the heli shake violently.
The captain looked at me and screamed “ BRACE FOR IMPACT!!”
Everything at that moment slowed down. I looked over my shoulder and all I could see was the EMTs holding my brother in the stretcher, making sure he was stable. The heli seemed to have turned over and the last thing I saw was the look on the pilot's face. After that everything was black.
I woke up to a doctor standing over me and shaking me until he saw my eyes open. “ Hey, Dylan. Wake up,” he said. Everything was silent and all I thought about was Collin. I was expecting the worst. He was already in critical condition and the helicopter had crashed.
I tried to get up but I just fell back down and let out a huge scream. My arm was hurting so bad. I looked over at it and it looked broken. I couldn't move my leg either. I got up using the good arm I had and limped over to a doctor. I saw about three EMTs searching through the metal and debris to find other people. One of them had pulled a person in a stretcher out. I knew it was my brother. I hobbled over to where they put him down. He lay motionless. A tear ran down my cheek and I started to cry. All I thought was my little brother was dead. It didn’t seem like he was breathing. There was ash and oil all over his clothes and face. His leg was probably very infected. All that could make this worse happened.
Finally after sitting and waiting a doctor came over and looked at me and then my brother. When he looked at my brother his jaw dropped. He called the EMTs over to bring him into the hospital. I watched as they carried him away. I just laid on my back praying that things would get better. I started to close my eyes and a big bright light shined in my face. It was the EMT’s seeing if I was awake. I tried to lift myself up with my good arm. They helped me up onto a stretcher and pushed me into the hospital. They pushed put me in the bed next to my brother. He was in bad shape. He had so many tubes and IVs I couldn’t even count. My arm was throbbing.
A doctor came in with meds and put me on morphine. It was the worst feeling ever. I just felt it run through my whole body. They said some common side effects would be vomiting, dizziness, excessive sweating, abnormally low blood pressure and drowsiness. I took about a minute for the pain to go away. I got really tired and I started to doze off and fall asleep.
When I woke up I was a room where they put the patients after surgery. I felt something warm and snug on my left arm, the one I broke. I looked over my shoulder and I had a cast going up to the middle of my upper arm. On my leg there was a splint and I could feel bandages and some type of cloth material on my face. I figured that I had banged up my face pretty bad. I started worrying about my brother hoping he wasn't dead. I heard the door swing open and it was the doctor. He came to the side of my bed and told me that my brother was going to be okay.
I felt all the weight fall of my shoulders and took a sigh of relief. I was so glad that we were going to live through this together. I saw Captain Bryan walk in. He asked the doctor for a minute to talk so he left.
He said, “Dylan... I don't know how we got through this but we did. You and your brother are going to have a long time of rehab back home before you are able to go back in the service. You guys really are troopers.”
He patted me on the shoulder and walked out the door. I saw the the doctor come back in the room. He said Collin is going to have to stay in the hospital for another week just for him to be able get on his feet again.


I went to Collin's room to finally see him since the accident. He lay in his bed, dead still. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. I closed my eyes praying he would wake up. I felt his hand move. I looked up and his eyes were opening slowly. I started saying his name trying to keep him awake. I saw his head tilt over and he looked at me. I could slightly hear him mumble my name.
Dylan. Where are we?”
We're in the hospital,” I said back.
From what?”
Well… you… got a big piece of shrapnel in your leg. Also when we were flying to the hospital the helicopter crashed.”
What!? Is my leg okay?”
I couldn’t tell him that his leg was amputated. I didn’t respond I just put my face in my hands.
Dylan! Is my leg okay?”
No… Collin they had to amputate it.”
Everything was silent he looked the other way. At that moment I looked at my brother and me. I had a broken arm and a fractured leg. My brother had an amputated leg and fractured arm. He looked the other way and said to me “Dylan when are we getting out of here?”
I don’t know but it’s going to be soon.”
Good. I can’t wait to go home.” he replied.
All I know is that we're going back home for awhile. Oh, also were going to have rehab before we can get back in the military.”
Okay. I just want to go home now.”
We will. You just gotta rest up for now.”

By: Carter Weeks

      Is there life on other planets? I believe there is. I don't think we are the only ones in the whole universe. It is just too big for us to be the only living things. Also, I think I've seen UFOs on the internet, T.V and in real life.
      One piece of evidence is that NASA'S Kepler satellite found a habitable planet lightyears outside our solar system and NASA thinks there might be some living thing that is close to the human species. They think if there are other living things that they might look like humans or close to humans. Next, scientists have discovered tiny creatures called tardigrades that live in tiny vacuums of space. They can live in temperatures above boiling and below 0 degrees. Astronauts took them into space and space had no effect on them.
      Other people say that there is no true evidence of other life yet because no one has traveled to anywhere besides the moon. Rovers have been to Mars but they didn't find any real evidence that there are any species of creatures on any planet. No one knows for sure yet though.
      In conclusion there might be and there might not be life on any other planet. One possibility might be that light years away there might be another solar system with other living beings. Maybe a few years from now someone will have a good piece of evidence that is believable and not a made up story.



By Carter Weeks - Gr. 5


      SGT. Jason Maroon had just gotten back into the United State’s from a brutal winter in Afghanistan with his friend LT. Danny Simmons. “Sure feels good to be back, huh Dan?” said Jason.

      “Yeah it sure does. Say what? Want to go get some pizza at Dominoes or Pizza Hut. Either one I don’t care,” said Danny.
     “I kind of want Pizza Hut. Na' I just want to stay and order pizza,” said Jason. For some strange reason the pizza hadn't come after about two hours. They wondered why it was taking so long. Dan and Jason played HALO while they waited. When Dan looked at the clock it was seven thirty.
      “ We better go check what’s up with them.”
      “ Yeah. What kind pizza place doesn't deliver in about half an hour?” said Jason.

Dan and Jason went to Pizza Hut to see what the problem was. When they reached town in Jason’s BMW there was nobody in sight for miles… Then Dan saw a dead body right out of the corner of his eye.

      “ HOLY $#! %,” Danny said. There were Dead people everywhere. Danny and Jason went over to check it out. “They really are dead,” said Danny. What they didn't expect was for six disgusting, ugly zombies to come out of the nasty, smelling dead bodies that weren't actually bodies at all…
      “RUN DAN RUN,” Jason yelled. They ran away from the zombies and went behind a building. Jason looked over the edge of the building and he saw a lime green Lamborghini.

      “Run toward the car Danny,” Jason said.
     Right behind ya’,” hollered Dan. As Dan and Jason were getting in the car they saw a bunch of other zombies. Jason tried to start up the car but the engine wouldn't turn over. Jason tried for the seventh time and finally it started. He revved up the engine to 175 MPH and when Jason let off the brake there was burnt rubber and he smashed into two hundred zombies that were crowded together. There were zombie guts and body parts all over the car. (YUCK!) He tried to get them off with the windshield wipers but it barely did anything.


Danny and Jason got to a highway and they saw a tollbooth up ahead. “Just go right through the booth. No one will care,” said Danny.

      But when they got to the tollbooth someone said… “WAIT! STOP! Please Stop!” Jason looked back and saw a disgusting zombie. Jason was about to run him over when the man took off a mask and jumped out of the way. “DUDE! What was that for?” said the man with the mask.

      “Sorry bro. I thought you were a zombie,” Jason said.
     “ By the way my name is Carl.” Jason asked if he wanted to come with him or just stay. Carl didn’t have a minute of doubt. He’d been waiting in a tollbooth for a long time.
      They got to a place in the middle of the woods that was swarming with zombies. 
 Jason didn't take a chance. There was no way they would win with that many zombies. He swerved onto a dirt road and came to a river that crossed over to Massachusetts. Jason wanted to go back but Carl and Danny disagreed.

“ Lets just swim across,” said Danny. “We're out of gas anyways.”

      I know, I know. But I really don't want to leave this car. It's awesome,” said Jason. “There’s a gas station right up the road.”
      “Yeah I know. I really like the car too. But it's either your life or the car,” said Danny in a sad voice. Jason went across with them after a minute of thinking. He got in and it was really cold. The bottom felt gross and nasty to walk across. Danny and Carl were first to get across. Jason stepped in a pothole and he fell back and accidentally got the nasty water in his mouth. He got out but was complaining like a little girl.

      “This is DISGUSTING!! I should have stuck with the car. I smell like dog poop and am soaked to the bone!” Jason said in a babyish voice.

      “Deal with it you baby, we are soaked too. Anyways we need to find a place to sleep and start a fire soon,” Danny said.
      Jason, Carl and Danny found a place to camp about two miles away from the river but to each of them it felt like ten miles just looking around for a place to stay. They were so cold each one of them probably had hypothermia. A good thing was that Danny found a rusty machete, still in one piece.
     “ I’m so cold… Get the fire started, quick,” said Danny.       “ Me too. I’m FREEZING!” Carl said like he was going to flip out. Danny got the fire going. When it was hot Jason and Carl fell asleep but Danny stayed up as long as he could to protect them from trespassing zombies. Staying out in the woods reminded him of being in Afghanistan. Then suddenly… CRACK. Someone’s footsteps got closer, closer and Danny grabbed the rusty machete.
      “Who’s there? COME OUT NOW!!” Danny said in a deep, voice. But when the thing emerged it was just Carl coming out from going to the bathroom. “Whoa? I thought you were some kind of zombie,” Danny said.
      “ No. Why would you think I was a zombie?” said Carl.
      “ Well, I didn’t know you were awake so I thought you were a zombie,” Danny said all embarrassed. After a while Danny tried to sleep but he didn’t want to because he didn’t want to die. But he was so tired, he finally slept. It was nerve wracking because no one was keeping watch.


      It was morning and they had all survived through the night. But something was strange… it was really quiet. Not just any quiet. It was too quiet. SILENT.
      “ This is creepy… why is it so quiet?” Carl said nervously.
      “ Yeah I don’t know either. I’m going in to town to see if there’s zombies left. Also, to see if we’re actually the only ones here on the face of the planet,” Jason said.
When Jason got into town he didn’t see any zombies but once he rounded a corner he saw the zombies had made a sort of fort or a base out of the old Burger King that had shut down about a week ago. It was so disgusting smelling you could probably smell it from half a mile away. It smelt like raw sewage and rotten eggs.
He was gagging and about to pass out, so he went into a clothes store to catch a breather before he died. He told himself to stay calm. Then he remembered that there were 5 ways to kill a zombie from watching a bunch of zombie movies.

  1. A 308 Winchester rifle to the head. 
  2. Put the zombie through a wood chipper. 
  3. Cut off its head with a chainsaw.
  4. Throw a crowbar at it. 
    5. Blow it up with a landmine.
      Jason was going to blow them up, but he did not know how to make a mine. He thought about it for a minute and decided he was going to either kill the zombies with a 50 cal. rifle to the head. Or, maybe make a pipe bomb but mines had more of a blow. He couldn’t make up his mind.
     Jason headed over to a gun shop he knew was a few miles trying to avoid the zombies. He got to the store. The doors were locked shut, but they were glass. He found some big rocks and threw them at the door because there was no other way in. 


      When Jason got into the store he started browsing the aisles. He noticed a staircase going into the basement in one of the last aisles. He headed down to just see if he could find some stuff that he couldn't find up stairs.
      “ Whoa! This place is huge!” Jason said in complete amazement. He started looking around at stuff wrapped in bubble wrap and on big crates. Then Jason saw a box that said “ RIFLES” in big black ink.
      "JACKPOT!!” Jason yelled. He went through the box so fast he was like a kid opening presents on Christmas morning. When he opened the box he found about six 7mm. Rifles and two 50 cal. Rifles.
      “ YES! I finally got the gun I need! Jason said. Now I Just need bullets,” Jason said. He found the bullets in an aisle up front by the cash registers.
      Jason got to the base fort where all the zombies were. And hid behind an old S.U.V that was rusty and about to break into a million pieces. Jason was peeking over the car and noticed zombies coming out from a tunnel under ground in Burger King. He ran around the building and tried to think of how he was going to get in there. Jason decided to try to sneak in through the back of the building and he got down behind a counter.
      Jason looked up, barely poking his head up from the counter because he didn’t want to get caught, and he saw that two zombies were looking straight at him. He pointed the gun and fired. One by one zombies dropped on to the floor. He cleared one area and moved onto the next. Jason stopped outside for a minute to reload, then came back in and went underground to the tunnel. 


      It was about twelve o’ clock and Jason finally got in the tunnel and instantly saw the power source of the zombies. It was a big metal ball with green and blue goo coming out of it. It was right in the middle of the place, and was sucking up some stuff, but Jason couldn’t tell what it was. It was probably giving the zombies their power.
      He knew he had to destroy it. But how? Jason started blasting away zombies to try to get to the machine. He got past one area and moved on behind this big boulder for cover. He was going over a plan in his mind. He knew that if he destroyed the machine the zombies would get weak and die. Then Jason looked over his shoulder and he saw something… A ZOMBIE!! It was about to bite him but he shot off its head.
He got up and ran for cover somewhere else. But when he was running the zombies saw him. He forgot about taking cover he just stood there and shot them all down.
By the time fifteen minutes were over Jason had killed almost all the zombies except one. The King. He was about thirty feet tall and was as strong as a bull mixed with a rhino. The zombie came walking in and shook the whole place with every step he took.
      Jason was hiding behind a wall trying not to scream. He was brave enough to step out from behind the wall because he knew the zombies were going to get him. He took one shot, and the bullet went right into the zombie’s head. Then he let out a huge roar and Jason took one more shot but set the gun to semi instead of auto. He aimed carefully and fifty bullets went flying into the zombie’s head then it just dropped to the ground.
      “ Yes! YES! I killed him! Now time for the power plant,” said Jason.
      When Jason got up to the big nasty gooey ball he just stuck his gun barrel up into a little slot in the bottom and shot a bunch of bullets in to the thing. The machine was broken. Now probably all the zombies still out there were dead or almost dead (he hoped).
      He walked out of the tunnel feeling proud and knowing that he didn’t need to worry about being killed anymore. He noticed that it was the afternoon because the sun was in the middle of the sky. His next plan was to find Danny and Carl.
      As Jason was heading back he heard a loud screeching sound. Jason looked up and noticed two people in a car just like his. He thought it was Danny and Carl but it couldn’t be because they didn’t have a car. They got a little closer and someone stepped out of the car. It was DANNY!! Jason ran over and gave him a huge hug.
      “ How did you find me,” Jason said almost tearing up.
     We looked for ages and we came around a corner and saw you, or we thought it was you walking up into the woods. Want to go home now?” Danny said.       “ Sure. I’m going to sleep in for about maybe …a day. As they were driving off Danny, Carl and Jason, each one of them was happy to be back together.


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