That’s My Update
Dear Amunet,
My name is Haley and my mom, Marissa came to Egypt a couple weeks ago, and brought me back your address. Sorry I haven't gotten a chance to write to you yet. I've been busy with chores at home, and doing homework. Just an update: My mom's thinking about transferring schools for me because they say my mom wastes all her money on poor people and never thinks about me, and they just make fun of me. But I don't want to. I love my teachers. Plus, I just meet the new girl in our classroom named Monuet. She's really pretty, nice and she could be my bestfriend! She's from Egypt like you! Well actually her dad is, and her mother's American. But I think it's still cool! What have you been up to?
Write back please :)
Dear Haley,
Pardon my bad english, but actually I have been really sick latly. My mum told me it was the flu. Is that bad in america? I have been busy by going to school and my mom just recently made Dukkah. Dukkah is like a dip, like how americans have dip for ther chips. Now she's trying to make Konafuh, but that has more spices and ingredients.
That's my update to you, haha.
Write back please :)
Dear Amunet,
The flu isn't really that bad but people have died from it. But I'm sure you'll survive. And don't worry about your english. I have to live with my 2 almost 3 year old sister, and I can understand her. And those foods sound way different than American food names. But I looked them up online, they look yummy. And I like how you said “That's my update to you, haha.” It made me laugh. My mom signed me up for gymnastics and my mom knows I hate gymnastics. But my mom's making me stop writing right now because we need to eat. Well my mom is going to go to the food pantry so we can have dinner because we always only have enough money to pay rent. But please right back! And that's my update!
Dear Haley,
I would like to know what you look like, and thanks for the update haha. Wait wats gymnasticks? And is yore sister nice? I don't know what my sister is like because she is six years older than me and is in college somewhere so I don't see her a lot. But if you send me a pichure of you I wil send a pichure of me!
That's my update!
Dear Amunet,
The picture I put in later in this letter is with my sister and I am at school. On our computers we have this thing called 'Photo Booth' and you can have different effects (effects are things you use to make the picture look different) so it's not exactly what we look like, but it's the same features. I think you get it now. And to let you know, gymnastics is a physical sport to develop flexibility. We use bars, and beams on the floor and sometimes up high, maybe about 4ft off the ground. Since I am ‘Intermediate’ I only go up to 5ft unlike the former participants. But now here’s my photo. 
This is my friend Claire and we were at school.
But I have to go to basketball practice. Write back! And that’s my update.
Dear Haley,
You and your friend are very pretty. But sorry my mother said I cannot send any pictures to you, mostly because all of them are from when I was growing. I love the way your friends eyes are so polished from the light. What are your clothes like? And what kind of foods do you eat? Also is your school public or private?
That’s my update! Write back please.
Dear Amunet,
Thanks a lot about the picture. And it’s okay that you can’t send a picture, I would never doubt that your not pretty. You seem like a beautiful person, especially nice. I have super GOOD NEWS! My mom’s going back to Egypt to visit again and send clothes others have donated in our community. Maybe my mom can take a picture of you there and bring it back for me. It’s so weird how I asked my mom if she could bring me back a gift when she took her first trip down there, and she brought back someone’s address to write to. But it’s fun. And our clothes are okay, I mean they aren’t bad or good. I guess just wearing and seeing them around a lot makes them boring. We wear cotton, silk, linen, wool (for sweaters mostly), hemp (but used for bags and jewelry). Our food isn’t very organic half the time, unless you go to this place called the “Co-op”. But sorry I can’t answer more about it, I need to go eat. That’s my update! Write back please.
Dear Haley,
It’s amazing reading your letters and seeing the difference between where we live and the similarities. Yes, I have been using big words but my english teacher is now teaching me bigger words really early. She says I am learning fast. Anyways, my mom sometimes grows healthy foods, but in the spring or summer. We don’t have many super markets other than “The Trader’s Center” and “The Cotton Spring”. We trade and buy and sell. Mama usually sells though, for money to buy stuff. But I am going to help my mama cook a new meal called Kashari, maybe you can look it up again. That’s my update!
Dear Amunet,
Seems to me like you’re very busy where you live and you are very attracted to learning. It’s great that you are learning English fast. What language did you speak before you started learning English? What is Kashari? What’s your mom’s name? Do you have pets, siblings, family members near by or with you? Just some questions to get a information about you. Also at school we are doing interviews and I made a list of questions of what I want to ask you, and I just asked them ha-ha. So please write back! That’s my update!
Dear Haley,
That’s really sweet of you to want to do the interview on me. Answers:
1) The language I spoke before is Arabic. I still speak it around family and friends from school.
2) Kashari: pasta, tomato, rice, lentils, caramelized onions, garlic and chickpeas.
3) My mother’s name is Ain
4) I have no pets
5) I have 2 brothers their names are Roberto and Akins
6) My only family members near me are my Uncle and Aunt (just if you want their names- Uncle: Ammon Aunt: Anat
That’s my update! Hope it helps! Write back please :)
Dear Amunet,
Thanks so much for the answers. Sorry I haven't answered I was just making my assignment from your questions. I got a 99% on it. I wrote it out on poster board. Most of the other students wrote it on a piece of paper and got less than half of my score. That’s really bad. I asked my Mom if maybe I could go to Egypt with her and meet you, she’s thinking about it. My Mom’s leaving in four days… she needs to think a little faster. That’s my update!
Dear Haley,
I think it’s a wonderful idea for you to come to Egypt. I live in Alexandria, of course you know that! Don’t worry, my home isn’t a pyramid. You don’t wanna know what goes inside those things, we live in a stone house. It’s been upgraded a lot since your mom has came up to us. She brought lots of money for food, she even brought construction workers. She made 20 houses into amazing homes to live in because of the money she raised. I love the fact that your mother works at the “HATW, Help Around The World Center”. It’s amazing and helpful! That’s my update! And when is four weeks?
Dear Amunet,
Four weeks is April 10, 2000. Maybe I should bring calendars to where you are, unless you have them. I’m guessing you don’t since you asked. My mom wants to know if there’s anything specific you want her to bring? And I am allowed to go! Next week is when we will be taking an American Airline flight, and it will be my third time on an airplane. Have you ever been on an airplane? And that’s my update!
Dear Haley,
There’s nothing specific, well we could use like toothbrushes, food, and hygienic supplies. I’ve never been on a plane, and they seem scary anyway. My mother was going to go on a plane but she didn’t want to leave us since daddy was already gone. But now everyone’s here and is excited to see you! So see you soon! And that’s my update!
Dear Amunet,
I used to think that airplanes were scary but then once I went on it I was perfectly fine. Wow! Your spelling is absolutely amazing. I told my mom what you requested for us to bring and she’s on it. But is there anything that others have suggested? I’m packing lots of clothes but we are only staying for five days. That’s my update!
Dear Haley,
I can’t wait to see you! Only one day left, and nobody suggested anything they all just want to see you and what you brought. We are already making some special dinners. I don’t really have anything to say except that’s my update and everybody says hi!
Dear Amunet,
Well we are leaving now and I am so excited. I feel like it’s going to be so much different than Vermont. Probably is, ha. But I’m at the airport now and there’s a mini post office. So this will be my last letter for now! See ya, and that’s my update!
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