Kyleigh's work

My Wolf Report
by Kyleigh

      Wolves are very amazing animals! They live in many different places, they hunt and eat lots of different things, and they can have lots of members in their pack.
      Grey wolves and red wolves live in different areas. Grey wolves are mainly found in northern Russia, Canada, and Alaska; they are sometimes found in Spain, Portugal, Italy, eastern Europe, and the Arabian desert. They are also sometimes found in China and Mongolia. Red wolves are found in Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Washington. They also live in North Dakota, New Mexico, and North Carolina. They live in all of these places but also in dens at these places. They dig deep and wide dens for their babies and the mother stays and protects them while the dad hunts.
      Grey wolves can have between 5 and 14 cubs. Red wolves have up to 10 cubs. The amount of wolves per pack can vary. There can be about 10 to 30 wolves per pack.
      Wolves eat lots of different things. These things include, elk, moose, earthworms, berries, and grasshoppers. They also eat deer and caribou.
      There are ranges of height, length, and weight! A grey wolf is normally 6 feet 6 inches (78 inches ) long, and 175 pounds. Red wolves are around 40-90 pounds.
      Most people think that wolves howl only at the moon. That's not true, wolves howl to get the attention of other wolves in their pack either if they're hurt or if they need something.
      Some things that amazed me are that wolves can have 5-14 cubs at once and that they can be 78 inches long, A few things that surprised me are that red wolves can be only 40 pounds, but they can be 90 pounds, and that there can be 10-30 wolves in each pack.
      I can't wait until I learn more stuff about wolves, such as will global warming effect where wolves live, were wolves ever endangered, and finally, how long have wolves been around?

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