Jonah's work


I downed the last bit of disgusting oatmeal in my bowl. It had raspberries and pecans in it and my mom also let me put some maple syrup in it too. For the most part I’m the kind of kid that does what their parents tell them to do, what some people might call a “Goody Two Shoes”. The way I think of it is I get good grades I have a couple of friends and I’m good at soccer, so basically I am doing fine in life. There is one thing that I would change if I could though. I have this bully named Blake. He usually just picks on me or tries to make me look stupid by pushing me around. But a few times he said he'd  beat me up so whenever I see him I get really scared.
I rolled out of bed. I went over to my dresser and put on some underwear. I opened a drawer with all pants in it. Not a single pair fit me, or had no tears in them. I decided on a pair with a tear by the knee that I got last year. I slipped on a shirt that I got as a Christmas gift this year It had a cross on it and under it it said SURRENDER. Don’t ask not my choice. My dad got it for me. My dad isn’t the nicest person. Maybe if my mom hadn’t run away my dad wouldn’t be such a jerk.

On my way to school my little brother and I played i spy. Either he’s really good or I am really bad because he knew what object I was thinking of every time.
    At school I found my friends, Diggy, Philip, and Clifford sitting on the swings talking about the soccer championships.
“We should have beat the Monkeys,” said Clifford.
“Well you’re the one who couldn’t save the final goal,” Diggy said sounding more and more annoyed with Clifford.
“Guys come down. The season is over. We can try again next year,” I said approaching them.
“You’re right Lyric,” said Philip.

I hopped on my bike. The gears were rusty but I didn’t have the time or money to oil them. As I rode to school I watched the cars pass. One red, one blue, one orange, one black. I arrived at school and saw Lyric the kid who’s so nice and has everything I don’t standing and talking to his friends. He turned around looked at me and ran. He runs because he’s scared of me but really I bully him because I’m jealous. I know it sounds stupid but he has a family and his family cares about him unlike mine.

    I ran faster than I’d ever run before. As I ran I heard the wind whistling in my ears, then I remembered my friends were watching me run like a coward. Blake’s face looked so sad and lonely. I wondered why? If I talked to him there would be a good chance he would beat me up. But if I didn’t my friends would think I’m a coward. Plus I would never know why Blake’s always so upset.
    I turned around and slowly and marched over to Blake and handed him a bag of bbq chips from my bag. His face lit up as he opened them and took a bite.

Smoking should be illegal
By Jonah

      About 5 million people die each year from smoking and 1 million die from second hand smoke. I think smoking should be illegal. Here is why.
      The American Lung Association claim that smoking is responsible for many diseases such as Lung Cancer, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, and other types of diseases. Smoking also pollutes the air and people around you. This is very bad for the people who inhale the polluted air. I experience this when I go to my grandmother’s house where she smokes inside. It makes my throat burn and gives me a headache
      Smoking costs a lot of money, especially if you smoke more than one pack of cigarettes or a cigar a day. Some people have crazy stories about what they’ve bought from saving all the money they’d normally buy cigarettes with. If a pack of cigarettes costs $7.00 and if you smoke one pack a day you’d spend about $2000.00 a year! Think about how much you could buy with $2000.00 a year.
      Some people would argue by saying, “It helps me be cool” or, “I can lose more weight” and, “It helps me focus” also, “It relieves stress”. I think this is all rubbish. Especially that smoking relieves stress. Smoking does the opposite of relieve stress it increases it!
      As you can see smoking is a problem, so I hope that now you have read this you will agree with me that smoking should be illegal.


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